Welcome to the Ultimate Food Protection Plan site!
And thanks so much for checking out our extra heirloom "survival seeds” offer.
Especially at a very important time with all that’s going on in the world right now.
If you're like most folks who think self-reliance is important…
you already know the one big secret to living off the land, long term is…
A reliable, food supply. (and you can do it with proper survival gardening.)
And it should be obvious… even to the general public
But In a real crisis…
Supermarket shelves empty fast.
You’ve thought this through… have prepared and you have some food in storage… just in case, right…
But once your dehydrated food is gone, now what? What’s the plan?
Well… Having the right hi-germination heirloom... survival seeds to...
“Grow your own” vegetables with the right survival seeds will be a game-changer.
Maybe a lifesaver.
So here’s the single best way I know to grow a potentially lifesaving…
One-acre crisis garden… if push comes to shove.
First … get a jump on the crowd. Never buy in a panic.
And the good news is …
I have some extra heirloom survival seeds here, right now in my warehouse
And I’d like to give you some…
If you think like I do, that the world is a pretty uncertain…
Even chaotic place right now.
And frankly, now is the best time to take action...
When the general public is still asleep.
I mean… the truth is ... we’re still only one earthquake or one crisis in the Middle East away
From real food disruptions or even shortages in the days ahead.
But there’s more…
Much more
If the Wuhan virus continues to spread and mutate and makes news each day…
Irrespective of the actual risks…
People will panic.
And when the general public panics… store shelves will empty.
You know that … you already possess that critical “self-reliance” knowledge and you do understand…
That the system could actually break or at a minimum… go sideways for a time…
Or you wouldn’t be on this site right now.
But listen… knowledge is power …
But only if acted upon. That's why having survival seeds and learning survival gardening are so important.
So please…
If you are interested in heirloom seeds and you want to stay ahead of the sheeple...
Take thoughtful action now.
Check out the information on the site below…
Featuring a great “buy one survival seed bank - get a survival seed bank" FREE offer so you have some extra survival seeds.
And then claim your extra survival seeds while I still have them in inventory.
But realize this …
There is a time…
When knowledge based “action” becomes too late.
Try buying an N95 respirator mask in China right now for example.
And also know that there's a limit on the number of “Buy One-Get One Free” Seed Banks I can give away…
Because we run out of extra seeds when we give them away like this.
So.. if you want a food supply “backup to your backup” this is for you…
I really want you to have the ability to grow all the food you and your family will need
Before our inventory is gone and it’s literally too late.
The truth is...
It’s no time to panic…
But rather… it is time to think, plan and act accordingly…
Especially for those of you that have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Bill Heid
P.S. Learning to practice survival gardening could be the single most important skill you ever learn.